Covid 19 FAQ
How many support people can I have with me at Birth ?
We allow Mom to bring 4 people to support her at birth. (Any combination of your Spouse, Partner, Doula, your Mom, your photographer). Clients and Guests will continue to be screened prior to entering our facilities. We are asking that no more than 10 people be in the community room and visitors may be asked to remain in the birth room during the birth. The midwife will direct social distancing of Guests.
What is the Mask Policy ?
Masks are currently encouraged but optional at all clinic appointments and classes. Staff will wear masks during your visit if that is your preference. This policy is subject to change as we continue to monitor covid-19 transmission and hospitalization rates (last updated 9/2022).
Where are Classes and Tours?
We continue to hold Orientation, Mom’s Support Group & some Childbirth Education Classes virtually. Link to ALL classes: Click Here
Covid Vaccine and Pregnancy
Pregnant Women have a choice when it comes to receiving a Covid-19 vaccination. We suggest our Moms review this decision making guide and talk to the Midwives at your visit. We support true informed consent.
Access to Covid-19 vaccines vary based on where you work and where you live.
Covid-19 Recommendations:
September 12, 2022
We support healthy Clients and guests choices for choosing to wear a surgical mask to your clinic visits. Staff will mask up to mirror your preference.
July 12, 2022
The Johnson County Kansas Covid-19 positivity rate is now 27.5% and climbing. To protect our Moms, Babies, and Staff, we are supporting the following practices starting Tuesday, July 12, 2022.
Emily Lopez, Administrator
July 26, 2021
In recognition of the greater Kansas City Public Health Department public health advisory on the number of increasing hospital admissions due to Covid-19, New Birth Company recommends the following guidance for clients to be implemented July 26, 2021.
June 29, 2020
April 19, 2020
March 15, 2020
Pregnancy in the Age of Coronavirus- A Letter to our Clients
Dear New Birth Company Client,