Covid 19 FAQ

How many support people can I have with me at Birth ? 

We allow Mom to bring 4 people to support her at birth. (Any combination of your Spouse, Partner, Doula, your Mom, your photographer). Clients and Guests will continue to be screened prior to entering our facilities. We are asking that no more than 10 people be in the community room and visitors may be asked to remain in the birth room during the birth. The midwife will direct social distancing of Guests. 

What is the Mask Policy ? 

Masks are currently encouraged but optional at all clinic appointments and classes. Staff will wear masks during your visit if that is your preference. This policy is subject to change as we continue to monitor covid-19 transmission and hospitalization rates (last updated 9/2022).

Where are Classes and Tours? 

We continue to hold Orientation, Mom’s Support Group & some Childbirth Education Classes virtually. Link to ALL classes: Click Here

Covid Vaccine and Pregnancy 

Pregnant Women have a choice when it comes to receiving a Covid-19 vaccination.  We suggest our Moms review this decision making guide and talk to the Midwives at your visit.  We support true informed consent. 

Access to Covid-19 vaccines vary based on where you work and where you live.  



Covid-19 Recommendations:

September 12, 2022


Due to the decline in Covid hospitalizations and severe illness for Healthy Moms, Masks are encouraged but optional for Clinic visits. 
We support healthy Clients and guests choices for choosing to wear a surgical mask to your clinic visits.  Staff will mask up to mirror your preference.
Screening If you have symptoms of sore throat or fever call the On-Call number before your normal visit appointment to ask if you should be seen virtually. 
Test at Home. We suggest you order the Free Covid-19 Tests available from the US Postal Service.  If you have been exposed or experiencing symptoms, try testing at home first. 
Protect your personal biome and support your immune system by eating whole foods, getting lots of sunshine, and walking every day.
Thank you for supporting your Community Birth Center and doing your part to protect yourself, your baby and our team. 
Yours Truly,
Lisa Pontious, CNM, APRN, Clinical Director               Emily Lopez, Administrator
                                           Kendra Wyatt, Co-Founder & Owner

July 12, 2022


The Johnson County Kansas Covid-19 positivity rate is now 27.5% and climbing.  To protect our Moms, Babies, and Staff, we are supporting the following practices starting Tuesday, July 12, 2022. 

Masks required for Clinic visits.We are asking all Clients and guests to wear a surgical mask to your clinic visits. Mom does not need to wear a Mask at birth; her support persons do need to wear masks. New Birth Company will offer you a mask at Reception. It helps us keep your costs down if you can bring your own mask.  
Screening If you have symptoms of sore throat or fever call the On-Call number before your normal visit appointment to ask if you should be seen virtually. 
Test at Home. We suggest you order the Free Covid-19 Tests available from the US Postal Service.  If you have been exposed or experiencing symptoms, try testing at home first. 
Thank you for supporting your Community Birth Center and doing your part to protect yourself, your baby and our team. 
Yours Truly,
Lisa Pontious, CNM-I, Clinical Director
Emily Lopez, Administrator
Kendra Wyatt, Co-Founder & Owner

July 26, 2021


In recognition of the greater Kansas City Public Health Department public health advisory on the number of increasing hospital admissions due to Covid-19, New Birth Company recommends the following guidance for clients to be implemented July 26, 2021.

June 29, 2020

April 19, 2020

Letter to our Clients
Update on Covid-19 Guidance 
Dear New Birth Company Client,
Our world has changed rapidly since March. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and State of Kansas updated Covid-19 guidance for Americans and Kansas Businesses. To protect our Moms, Babies, and Staff, we are supporting the following practices starting Monday, April 20, 2020.
Client & Guest Screening is mandatory. Mom may bring one guest (plus Baby) with her to prenatal, newborn and post-partum appointments. We are still allowing 2 support persons at Birth with screening. Mom and every guest must answer screening questions before entering the Clinic or Birth Center. If you answer “Yes” to any questions on fever, cough or confirmed exposure to Covid-19, call first before coming to your appointment or entering.  Screening is a vital step in protecting the Birth Center as a wellness facility.
Masks required for Clinic visits. Following CDC and State of Kansas recommendations, we are asking all Clients and guests to wear a fabric mask to your clinic visits. Mom does not need to wear a Mask at birth; her support persons do need to wear masks. Surgical and N-95 Masks are not recommended for Clients as they are in high demand for healthcare personnel. New Birth Company offers masks and headbands at Reception made with washable multi-ply moisture wicking fabric; available for a 5$ donation to Les Amis de Naissance, 501c3, “The Friends of Birth”. We will provide a fabric mask to any Mom who needs one.
You can check out this link: Kansas recommendations on making cloth masks.
Children under 12 stay at home. Thank you for rallying help to keep small children at home. This is working. This is an extraordinary time; please ask your Spouse, Partner, family and friends to do their part to support your healthy pregnancy.
Virtual Childbirth Classes and Virtual Mom’s Group We are bringing the spirit of the Community Room to your living room. All orientation, classes and support group are 100% virtual. RSVP for Orientation on our website. Sign up on EventBrite as normal for classes. We will send you a Google Hangout invite. Please encourage your partners, Pregnant and Post-Partum Moms to join our classes and groups. Now is the time for us to reach out to all Moms. We are not supposed to be alone when we are pregnant or have just birthed a baby. We need our families, friends and neighbors. You are not alone; please ask for help from all of us.
Thank you for supporting your Community Birth Center help you and our team stay healthy and strong.
Yours Truly,
Kayla Lawrance, CNM, DNP, Clinical Director               Kendra Wyatt, Co-Founder & Owner

March 15, 2020

Pregnancy in the Age of Coronavirus- A Letter to our Clients

Dear New Birth Company Client,

We recognize the immense impact that the Coronavirus (Covid-19) is having on all of us and our community. As your Partner-in-Birth, your healthy pregnancy is our priority.  Below are a few of the steps that New Birth Company is taking to respond to Covid-19.
To protect the wellness of our pregnant Moms and babies, as well as our Staff, we are implementing the following starting March 16th, 2020.
Mom, Family & Visitor Screening First, when confirming your appointment, our team will be asking you Coronavirus screening questions. Second, we ask that you, family and friends stop at the Screening Station located at the door, before you enter the Clinic and Birth Center. We are prepared to triage our Moms outside the clinic if you or we identify a concern.  We are asking Visitors answering yes to these screening questions to leave the facility.
Children under 12 stay at home. We ask that pregnant or new Moms (bring your newborn) consider leaving their other small children at home if at all possible during your visits. This is an extraordinary time; please ask your Spouse, Partner, family and friends to help support your healthy pregnancy. We appreciate this may be a hardship and, in some cases, simply not possible. Thank you for trying.
Childbirth Classes As our Moms are healthy, at this time we will continue to hold our in-person childbirth classes.  We will screen participants prior to entry to the classes.
Enjoy your Pregnancy. Laugh. Take care of yourself emotionally as well as physically. We appreciate that pregnant Moms are bombarded with social media and unwanted advice from all corners of your life. Many moms may be experiencing new anxieties. It’s ok to acknowledge this. New Birth Company supports you, your healthy pregnancy decisions and preparation for your Incredible Birth Day. Women will continue to give Birth. We will walk this path with you and support you.
New Birth Company’s leadership is in communication with our referral Hospital, State and County Health Departments. We will continue to closely monitor the CDC guidance and have a plan in place to make sure the Birth Center is open to serve you. We will keep you updated at your visits, Facebook and our Web Site in the days to come.
Nothing is more important to us than protecting the health and safety of our Moms, Staff, and community.  We are grateful for your loyalty and appreciate the privilege to serve you.
With care and respect,
Kayla Lawrance, CNM, Clinical Director             Kendra Wyatt, Co-Founder, Owner