Letter to Our Clients: Covid-19 Response

Dear New birth company client,

The Johnson County Kansas Covid-19 positivity rate is now 27.5% and climbing.  To protect our Moms, Babies, and Staff, we are supporting the following practices starting Tuesday, July 12, 2022. 
Masks required for Clinic visits. We are asking all Clients and guests to wear a surgical mask to your clinic visits. Mom does not need to wear a Mask at birth; her support persons do need to wear masks. New Birth Company will offer you a mask at Reception. It helps us keep your costs down if you can bring your own mask.  
Screening If you have symptoms of sore throat or fever call the On-Call number before your normal visit appointment to ask if you should be seen virtually. 
Test at Home. We suggest you order the Free Covid-19 Tests available from the US Postal Service.  If you have been exposed or experiencing symptoms, try testing at home first. 
Thank you for supporting your Community Birth Center and doing your part to protect yourself, your baby and our team. 
Yours Truly,
Lisa Pontious, CNM-I, Clinical Director
Emily Lopez, Administrator
Kendra Wyatt, Co-Founder & Owner