Study Shows Safety and Benefits of Water Birth

Water immersion during labor and birth offers many benefits. A new study analyzed outcomes from the last 20 years in the United States, and found that the use of water during labor or birth were associated with reduced maternal pain levels, use of epidurals or injected pain medication, reduced risk of postpartum hemorrhage, reduced perennial tears, and reduced risk of episiotomy. There was also an increase in maternal satisfaction of their birth experience. This study found no negative outcomes or risks associated with water birth.


Let that sink in for a moment. Water is a tool that can help us feel less pain, have better birth outcomes, and feel better overall about our birth. 



Resting, laboring, and birthing in water can relax the nervous system, distribute pressure on our joints and pelvis, and reduce fear and anxiety. 
That’s why many countries, such as the UK, include the use of water as a common tool during labor and birth with excellent safety outcomes. Although many facilities in the United States still have restrictions on the use of water during labor and birth, we are hopeful that research such as this will continue to normalize water as a tool during labor and birth. 




We support your choice to use water during labor and birth.