Many of our clients find that using water is a peaceful, relaxing comfort tool during labor and birth. Submersion in water allows freedom of movement and deep relaxation during labor, and has been shown to improve both birth experiences and birth outcomes for families. 

Using water during labor is a very popular choice with our clients (often referred to as hydrotherapy). Additionally, about 50% of our clients go on to give birth in the tub (referred to as water birth). Both choices can have a positive impact on your birth experience.

Benefits of Using Water during Labor and Birth

Safety of Water Birth

Humans have been birthing in water for as long as humans have been birthing, and many countries such as the UK encourage the use of water as a normal and healthy tool during labor and birth. While it does remain a topic of disagreement in the United States, multiple large-scale studies have reinforced the benefits outlined above, with no increase in negative birth outcomes. Many hospital cooperations are adding birthing tubs in their rooms, as they too have seen the benefits of using water. 

After more than 3,000 births at New Birth Company, we are confident in the safety and benefits of using water in labor and birth.

Read more on the safety and benefits of water birth