The Growing Temptation of C-Sections

C-Sections: NPR Science Friday highlights the paradox of the dramatic doubling of world rate of Cesarian Sections. Midwives and the Birth Center model surrounded by our highly-coordinated community of care (Obstetricians, Maternal Fetal Medicine, & Neonatologists) is one key solution to this problem. Learn more about our low C-Section rate. Why Are More Expecting Mothers...

Midwives Deliver: New Birth Company celebrates the close of National Midwifery Week

New Birth Company celebrates the close of National Midwifery Week by launching a new billboard, “Midwives Deliver Incredible Birth Days”. Mothers give Birth.  Midwives catch babies.  As overheard at this week’s American Association of Birth Centers conference, “Moms and Babies are not Pizzas” Our Midwives strive to support Mom & her family to experience her...

Celebrating your BIRTH days

At New Birth Company we choose to celebrate Mom’s “BIRTH” day.  Today is one of my two “birth” days and it got me wondering how our Moms are continuing to remember their special day.   Some ideas… Tell your Birth story.  Remember the details….what were you doing when you went into labor? Who was there?  Who...